by Matthew Rehrl MD | Social Media
I enjoyed listening to the Aspen Initiative UK Podcast on The Future of Language, especially the thoughts by Tony Thorne @tonythorne007, which reminded me of my recent post: Emojis: Intellectual Crutch or An Expansive New Language? He bought up the point that language...
by Matthew Rehrl MD | Social Media, Social Media Ethics, Twitter, Twitter Ethics
We are all familiar with the saying in vino veritas: In wine, there is truth. Ignorant people become more ignorant after a glass of wine.Means-spirited people become more mean-spirited after a glass of wine.Kind people become kinder after a glass of wine. Does...
by Matthew Rehrl MD | Social Media, Writing
As I have discussed before (Herodotus and Why should Physicians Should Avoid “Going Viral”), I am no fan of professionals—especially physicians—going viral. But I do like the idea of “going fungal”. It’s a slow, steady, and consistent growth strategy, relatively...
by Matthew Rehrl MD | Politics, Social Media, Twitter
Most of what I write and tweet about are superficially boring topics to most people. This is intentional. For example, although I happen to have fairly stable political and ethical opinions, and although I spend quite a lot of intellectual energy and capital...
by Matthew Rehrl MD | Physician Career, Social Media
Consider this story from Herodotus, The Histories, which you may have run across in college: Now Periander was to begin with milder than his father, but after he had held converse by messenger with Thrasybulus the tyrant of Miletus, he became much more bloodthirsty...
by Matthew Rehrl MD | Healthcare Revenue, LinkedIn, Social Media
If you want to know if your healthcare organization “gets” how to do physician recruiting online, here’s a way to assess them in less than five minutes. Go to your organization’s website career landing page and check to see how many physician jobs are listed. Then go...